2009 Superbowl Commercials, Part 2
A little later than planned, here are the five commercials left out of my commercial post.
Taco Bell made me laugh in January 2009. When they aired the commercial a week before the 2010 Super Bowl, I realized I better get typing. What was the ad? A man meets a woman at a party. She gives him her phone number, "You should call me sometime." "Absolutely," he responds. Before she can cross the room, her phone rings. The voice says, "Hi, it's Mike...from the party." She turns to see him wave. "How about dinner?" "Uh, okay." She still has her phone at her ear when he appears with two Spicy Chicken Enchilada Platters. As they are eating, his parents arrive to be introduced. "Oh, is this her?" Mom asks. Ha, ha, I laugh.
Careerbuilder.com knows it can be hard to know when you need a new job. This ad fit perfectly into the failing economy that bottomed out in October 2008 and March 2009. Read the following rules like the 12 Days of Christmas (start with one and layer on the others one at a time):
- If you hate going to work every day (women screams and pounds her steering wheel in the company parking lot)
- If your coworkers don't respect you ("Hey, dummy.")
- If you wish you were somewhere else (riding a walrus in the ocean)
- If you cry constantly (guy standing alone at the bus stop)
- If you daydream of punching small animals (a koala wearing glasses and drinking coffee)
- If you sit next to this guy (wearing just a speedo in the office and clipping his toenails)
GoDaddy.Com used baseball's steroid controversy as the basis for their commercial. "Reporting live for G-Spin, hearings on enhancement are about to begin, and the answers we want--who does, who doesn't, and who's telling lies. Let's go into the courtroom." Three women demand that they have not enhanced. R. Calmeros pointedly held her ground. R. Lemons claimed her accuser, admitted enhancer J. Cornflako, "mis-remembered." English was not the primary language of S. Knowso, but she giggled when a member of the panel asked her, "Que es tu papi?" ("Who's your daddy?") Danica Patrick happily admits that she enhanced. "Yes, it's true. I've enhanced my image with a domain name and a website from GoDaddy.com. GoDaddy is the worlds #1 domain registar. They offer websites, hosting, email, and more all for less than $1 a month." Cornflako stands up, "Enhanced? I'll show you enhanced." Then the TV version ends. The online version shows all of these women opening their blouses to expose their GoDaddy.com logo tank tops (because they enhanced). The courtroom erupts in applause, and one panel member is seen breathing oxygen. "There you have it. The truth is out. Danica Patrick and millions more are using domain names and websites from GoDaddy.com to enhance their images and businesses." Even the reporter enhanced.
WeAllPayThePrice.Com. I think this was a local ad. "How much does smoking really cost? Last year, smoking cost Minnesota nearly $2 billion in health care. It also cost Emily her mom." These are dollars from the tobacco settlement at work.
Another local ad, Twins Baseball shared a little humor at the construction site of Target Field. The security guard allows vehicles to enter as they bring the lumber, bring the heat, provide electricity, and paint the corners. The trucks are labeled M & M Lumber, Joe & Frankie's Heating and Gas, T.C. Electric, and Staff Painting. The guard asks the people in a fifth truck, "Let me guess. Air conditioning?" "No," they say. "We're just fans."
While I previously referred to these commercials as my favorites, #1 actually goes to Hulu. Hey, the site works. I reviewed most of the national commercials again through their video service.